Apple GPT: Tim Cook and Apple Have Entered the AI Chat

Apple GPT: Tim Cook and Apple Have Entered the AI Chat

Apple is working on a new AI chatbot called Apple GPT. Surprised? Of course not.

While the tool is still in development, it appears Apple GPT will be built on proprietary foundational models created by a framework called Ajax. Currently, it’s available only to Apple employees to use internally, and executives aren’t sure when the service can be rolled out publicly. The road has been filled with stop-and-go traffic due to security concerns halting the process, but the tool is now available to some employees at Apple.

Apple CEO Tim Cook has been largely quiet on the matter of adopting generative AI in more of Apple’s products, though he has confirmed that he uses ChatGPT. He’s also explained in the past that his concerns with generative AI have more to do with security and that while there is a lot of potential in the technology, there are also a lot of issues that need to be sorted out before adopting it.

Apple uses AI across its software on all its devices in the form of machine learning. Siri, its virtual assistant, uses ML and natural language processing and has already been improved through the Ajax framework. Generative AI has proven to be a challenge for the company, one that it’s still trying to figure out a strategy for before commercializing the first Apple AI chatbot.



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