ChatGPT Prompt Generator: Get Free Access to Promptor, The New Productivity Boosting AI Database For Over 100 Job Titles
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ChatGPT Prompt Generator: Create Engaging Content And Streamline Tasks For Over 100 Professions with the Power of A.I. and The Dept Of Next‘s Free Prompting Tool

Sign up below to get early access to the Dept of Next’s free tool: Promptor, an AI prompt generator that helps you make content, brainstorm conversations with clients, research ideas, and much more.

What’s a prompt? A prompt is an efficient and effective way to get an AI text-based tool (such as ChatGPT) to provide you with information and assistance.

And, the better you prompt a language based AI tool, the better that the program can help maximize your request.

Benefits of the Promptor AI prompt generator:

•  Save time and effort with AI-powered prompt generation
•  Overcome writer’s block and boost your productivity
•  Enhance your writing skills and create more engaging emails, sales copy, presentations and more
•  Translate written material
• Research new ways to solve challenges
•  Workshop difficult conversations with clients
•  Automate tasks such as invoicing, building spreadsheets and more

Prompts are organized into beginner, intermediate and advanced prompts and cater to over 100 professions – from auto mechanic to archeologist, project manager to veterinarian.

And best of all, it’s free.

Simply sign up to the Dept of Next’s newsletter below, confirm your subscription and we’ll send you the link to the advanced ChatGPT Prompt Generator straight away. No upsell, no course offer, no nonsense.