
How To Use AI To Create a YouTube Video From a Text Prompt Using is new tool allows you to generate videos using only a text prompt.

Here’s The Dept‘s quick rundown. Step-by-Step

Start by clicking “Create AI Video” and you’ll be presented with a text box to provide instructions.

Next, choose your workflow, or format – YouTube Shorts, Explainer, etc.

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We chose to generate a video on the “10 Fastest Animals in The World”. then offeres options to provide creative directions, choose music/voice, and customize other elements.

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Once you hit “Generate Video” the AI gets to work…

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… ideating a script, adding stock footage and audio.

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And in about 5 minutes this complete video was created. You can edit it further at this point. And you can download the video in 1080 (the one below is 480), with watermarks.

If you want higher quality without watermarks, you’ll have to upgrade to a paid plan (details on that below).

InVideo also generates a description and time stamps for your new video:

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You can also edit elements like swapping footage, modifying the script through natural language commands, or regenerating for a new version. An experimental “Timeline” feature also allows advanced editing but is still in beta.

Overall Summary

The AI showed an incredible ability to both understand directions and produce high quality, engaging videos with minimal input. This could be hugely useful for content creators, businesses, or anyone who needs to quickly visualize ideas on headless video. As the tools continue improving, it may revolutionize how we produce slideshow, social, tutorial and other simple video types. Pricing

Pricing as follows:

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One response to “How To Use AI To Create a YouTube Video From a Text Prompt Using”

  1. […] the audio content by swiping up and down. While users have the option to pause the audio and read AI generated text transcripts, the app’s focus remains on audio interactions, which Ravikant […]