Tag: Digital Marketing
Ambient Computing And The Fantastic Potential for Digital Marketers and Creators
Ambient computing has gradually become a hot topic in the tech world. This concept, though complex, holds a wealth of opportunities for digital marketers and creators. Let’s dive in to understand what ambient computing is, examine its real-world examples, and explore how it can revolutionize digital marketing and content creation.
The Forecast: 3 Ways That Web3 Will Disrupt Marketing
One of the key features of Web3 is decentralization, which means that it empowers individuals to have more control over their online identities, data, and interactions. This will enable marketers to create more personalized marketing experiences that cater to each individual’s unique preferences and needs.
Adobe Podcast AI: Everything We Know About Project Shasta and Adobe’s New Podcasting Tools
Adobe is currently in beta on Adobe Podcast AI (formerly Project Shasta), a complete suite of AI tools for podcasters that works to automate and enhance audio production and make collaboration more efficient. Ahead of the launch, the company known best for Photoshop and Illustrator has a couple of audio tools you can play with…