PROMPTOR AI Prompt Generator: Find Useful Prompts To Make Your Work Day Easier

Prompts For 100+ Professions (And Counting…)

Welcome to our AI prompt generator. If you are new to AI chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Bard? The Dept of Next‘s PROMPTOR is here to help you find an AI Prompt to get them to work for your job.

PROMPTOR is a database of AI prompts. A prompt is a suggestion or a question that is intended to elicit a response from a text-based AI chatbot or a language model like ChatGPT or Google Bard. These prompts help to guide your conversation and ensure the program understands what you are looking for.

How To Use Promptor

To find a prompt that can help you with your job, simply type your profession into the search bar below. PROMPTOR will provide you with a few beginner prompts to start your conversation. These can be copied, and pasted into the prompt into your AI of choice and get a sense of how to get some valuable assistance for your job.

And if you’re looking for more detailed solutions for your business, drop our team a line and we’ll get back to you with some ways in which we can help you maximize AI tech to enhance your team’s productivity and creativity.

Profession NameBeginner – Copy/Paste/CustomizeIntermediate Prompt – Copy/Paste/Customize Advanced – Copy/Paste/Customize
VeterinarianPlease act like you’re me, a veterinarian who needs to communicate difficult news toan animal owner, including the tips for being compassionate, providing clear information, and offering support.I’d like you to explain how to diagnose and treat a common animal illness, including the steps for taking a medical history, performing an examination, and determining the best course of treatment.Pretend you are a veterinarian who needs to educate pet owners about proper animal care, including the steps for providing information about nutrition, exercise, and preventive health care.
Auto MechanicPlease act like you’re me, an auto mechanic who needs to communicate with a customer about a repair estimate, including the tips for providing a clear and accurate estimate, discussing the work involved, and ensuring customer understanding.I’d like you to explain how to diagnose and repair a common car issue, such as a leaky radiator or a faulty alternator, including the steps for troubleshooting, replacing parts, and testing the repair.Pretend you are an auto mechanic who needs to perform a routine maintenance check, such as an oil change or tire rotation, including the steps for performing the service, checking for any additional issues, and ensuring the vehicle is running smoothly.
Podcast ProducerI’d like you to edit a podcast script on financial literacy and make it ready for recording.I’d like you to produce a 30-minute podcast script on the current state of the job market and the skills that are in high demand.I’d like you to research and recommend new podcast equipment to improve the sound quality of the show.
Travel AgentPlease act like you’re me, a travel agent who needs to handle a client’s last-minute travel changes, including the steps for finding alternative options and making necessary arrangements.I’d like you to explain how to book a budget-friendly vacation, including the tips for finding deals on flights, accommodations, and activities.Pretend you are a travel agent who needs to design a custom itinerary, including the steps for researching destinations, creating a schedule, and booking transportation and activities.
Project ManagerPlease act like you’re me, a project manager leading a cross-functional team on a complex project, including the strategies for resolving conflicts and keeping everyone on track.I’d like you to explain how to create a project plan, including the steps for defining objectives, setting deadlines, and managing resources.
Pretend you are a project manager who needs to explain the project status to stakeholders, including how to communicate risks and mitigate them.
AuctioneerPlease act like you’re me, an auctioneer who needs to handle a challenging situation, such as a bidding dispute or a slow-moving auction, including the techniques for resolving the issue and maintaining a positive atmosphere.I’d like you to explain how to conduct an auction, including the steps for setting up the auction, welcoming attendees, and encouraging bidding.Pretend you are an auctioneer who needs to market and promote an upcoming auction, including the steps for reaching out to potential bidders, advertising the auction, and building excitement.
Painter (House)Please act like you’re me, a painter who needs to work with a client to create a custom design, including the steps for discussing the client’s vision, creating a sketch, and bringing the design to life.I’d like you to explain how to paint a room, including the steps for preparing the surface, selecting the right paint and tools, and achieving a smooth and even finish.Pretend you are a painter who needs to troubleshoot a painting issue, such as drips or uneven coverage, including the techniques for fixing the problem and ensuring a high-quality final result.
PoliticianPlease act like you’re me, a politician who needs to respond to a crisis, including the tips for staying informed, communicating effectively, and taking action to address the issue.I’d like you to explain how to develop and implement a political platform, including the steps for researching issues, engaging with constituents, and presenting a clear and coherent message.Pretend you are a politician who needs to negotiate a compromise, including the steps for finding common ground, building consensus, and reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.
FundraiserPlease act like you’re me, a fundraiser who needs to solicit donations from a large corporation, including the tips for researching the company, making a compelling pitch, and following up effectively.I’d like you to explain how to create a successful fundraising campaign, including the steps for setting a goal, reaching out to potential donors, and tracking progress.Pretend you are a fundraiser who needs to create an event to raise funds, including the steps for planning, promoting, and executing a successful event that reaches its fundraising goal.
Bank TellerPlease act like you’re me, a bank teller who needs to assist a customer with a complex transaction, including the steps for resolving any issues, providing accurate information, and ensuring customer satisfaction.I’d like you to explain how to handle large amounts of cash and maintain a secure environment, including the steps for counting money, verifying deposits, and following security protocols.Pretend you are a bank teller who needs to handle a potentially suspicious transaction, including the steps for following security protocols, reporting any concerns, and ensuring the safety of the bank and its customers.
Stock TraderPlease act like you’re me, a stock trader who needs to make a quick decision in a fast-moving market, including the techniques for staying informed, evaluating risk, and making confident trades.I’d like you to explain how to analyze stock market trends, including the steps for researching market conditions, keeping track of market data, and making informed decisions.Pretend you are a stock trader who needs to diversify their portfolio, including the tips for researching new opportunities, balancing risk and reward, and making smart investment decisions.
E-Commerce Store OwnerPlease act like you’re me, an e-commerce store owner who needs to handle customer complaints, including the steps for responding promptly, resolving the issue, and ensuring customer satisfaction. I’d like you to explain how to increase sales on your online store, including the tips for optimizing the website, offering promotions, and using social media to drive traffic.

Pretend you are an e-commerce store owner who needs to handle the logistics of shipping and delivery, including the tips for finding reliable carriers, providing accurate tracking information, and ensuring timely delivery.
PhotographerPlease act like you’re me, a photographer who needs to shoot in challenging lighting conditions, including the techniques for using flash, adjusting the camera settings, and finding the right angle. I’d like you to explain how to take a professional-looking portrait, including the tips for finding the right lighting, posing the subject, and capturing the moment.

Pretend you are a photographer who needs to edit and enhance photos, including the steps for using editing software, correcting lighting and color, and creating a final product that showcases the best version of the photo.
Fashion DesignerPlease act like you’re me, a fashion designer who needs to respond to a trend, including the steps for researching, designing, and producing a piece that incorporates the trend in a unique way.I’d like you to explain how to create a fashion sketch, including the steps for drawing the body, adding details, and bringing the design to life.Pretend you are a fashion designer who needs to create a line for a specific audience, including the tips for researching the market, determining their needs, and creating pieces that appeal to that demographic.
TikTok InfluencerPlease act like you’re me, a TikTok influencer who needs to collaborate with a brand, including the steps for finding a brand that aligns with your values, creating content that integrates their products in a natural way, and promoting the collaboration effectively.I’d like you to explain how to create a viral TikTok video, including the tips for choosing a trending sound, incorporating creative elements, and engaging with the audience.Pretend you are a TikTok influencer who needs to grow their following, including the tips for creating consistent content, engaging with your audience, and finding new ways to reach potential followers.
Interior DecoratorPlease act like you’re me, an interior decorator who needs to work with a limited budget, including the strategies for finding affordable options and maximizing the space.I’d like you to explain how to create a cohesive design style for a room, including the tips for choosing furniture, accessories, and color schemes.Pretend you are an interior decorator who needs to incorporate a client’s personal style and preferences, including the techniques for getting to know their taste and incorporating it into the design.
Data ScientistPlease act like you’re me, a data scientist who needs to communicate insights to stakeholders, including the tips for using clear language, creating visualizations, and presenting the results effectively.

I’d like you to explain how to prepare and clean data for analysis, including the steps for identifying patterns, removing outliers, and transforming data.
Pretend you are a data scientist who needs to build a predictive model, including the steps for selecting the appropriate algorithm, training the model, and evaluating its performance.
Event PlannerPlease act like you’re me, an event planner who needs to handle unexpected issues, including the techniques for being flexible, problem-solving, and ensuring that the event still runs smoothly.I’d like you to explain how to plan a successful event, including the steps for setting a budget, choosing a venue, and coordinating with vendors.

Pretend you are an event planner who needs to create a memorable experience for attendees, including the tips for incorporating unique elements, entertaining activities, and creating a lasting impression.
Digital MarketerPlease act like you’re me, a digital marketer who needs to handle a crisis, including the steps for responding quickly and effectively, and mitigating any damage to your brand’s reputation.I’d like you to explain how to create a successful social media marketing campaign, including the tips for choosing the right platforms, crafting a message, and measuring results.Pretend you are a digital marketer who needs to develop a content marketing strategy, including the steps for researching your target audience, creating valuable content, and promoting it effectively.
Film DirectorPlease act like you’re me, a film director who needs to work within a tight budget, including the strategies for maximizing resources and getting the most out of your production.I’d like you to explain how to create a movie storyboard, including the steps for visualizing the story, planning shots, and communicating your vision to the crew.Pretend you are a film director who needs to direct actors, including the techniques for communicating your vision, encouraging their best performance, and managing on-set dynamics.
AnimatorPlease act like you’re me, an animator who needs to troubleshoot technical issues with animation software, including the steps for finding solutions and fixing the problem.
I’d like you to explain how to create a 2D animation, including the steps for designing the characters, storyboarding, and animating the frames.Pretend you are an animator who needs to collaborate with a team of artists and writers, including the techniques for communicating effectively and ensuring that everyone’s vision is reflected in the final product.
Delivery DriverPlease act like you’re me, a delivery driver who needs to handle a difficult customer, including the strategies for resolving complaints and ensuring satisfaction.I’d like you to share tips for efficient and safe package delivery, including the techniques for navigating, time management, and handling packages carefully.Pretend you are a delivery driver who needs to find the quickest route to multiple delivery locations, including the steps for using mapping software and optimizing the delivery order.
ZoologistPlease act like you’re me, a zoologist who needs to study the impact of human activity on a population of animals, including the steps for conducting a survey and analyzing the data.I’d like you to explain the behavior and habits of a specific animal species, including the tips for observing and understanding their behavior.Pretend you are a zoologist who needs to educate the public about conservation efforts, including the techniques for using clear language and providing visual aids.
Tour Guide/OperatorPlease act like you’re me, a tour guide who needs to handle a large group of visitors, including the strategies for keeping the group organized and on schedule.I’d like you to share tips for giving an informative and entertaining tour, including the techniques for engaging with visitors and highlighting key points of interest.Pretend you are a tour guide who needs to handle unexpected events, including the techniques for adapting the tour and ensuring the safety of the visitors.
TeacherPlease act like you’re me, a teacher who needs to manage a disruptive student, including the strategies for redirecting behavior and maintaining control of the classroom.I’d like you to explain how to create an engaging lesson plan, including the steps for setting objectives, choosing activities, and assessing learning.Pretend you are a teacher who needs to motivate and inspire students, including the techniques for using real-world examples and fostering a positive learning environment.
ProgrammerPlease act like you’re me, a programmer who needs to explain technical information to a client, including the tips for using clear language and providing visual aids.I’d like you to explain how to debug a software program, including the steps for identifying the error and fixing the code.Pretend you are a programmer who needs to solve a difficult coding challenge, including the steps for breaking down the problem and researching potential solutions.
App DeveloperPlease act like you are explaining a complex technical concept to a non-technical colleague.I’d like you to imagine you are debugging a problem in a new app you just developed.Pretend you are giving a demonstration to a group of tech enthusiasts on the latest advancements in mobile app development.
BaristaPlease act like you’re me, a barista who needs to handle a rush of customers, including the strategies for prioritizing orders and working efficiently.I’d like you to teach me how to make a perfect cappuccino, including the steps for frothing milk and pouring the espresso.Pretend you are a barista who needs to create a unique and creative latte art design, including the techniques for pouring the milk and creating the pattern.
EngineerPlease act like you’re me, an engineer who needs to solve a complex technical problem, including the techniques for breaking down the issue and finding a solution.I’d like you to explain the process of designing and testing a product, including the steps for creating prototypes and analyzing data.Pretend you are an engineer who needs to communicate technical information to a non-technical audience, including the tips for simplifying concepts and using visual aids.
ElectricianPlease act like you’re me, an electrician who needs to troubleshoot an electrical problem, including the steps for identifying the issue and making repairs.I’d like you to demonstrate how to install a light fixture, including the steps for connecting the wiring and mounting the fixture.Pretend you are an electrician who needs to upgrade an electrical panel, including the steps for choosing the right panel and making the necessary connections.
DoctorPlease act like you’re me, a doctor who needs to communicate a difficult diagnosis to a patient, including the tips for being empathetic and providing clear information.I’d like you to explain how to diagnose a common illness, including the steps for taking a patient history, conducting a physical exam, and ordering tests.Pretend you are a doctor who needs to prescribe a treatment plan, including the options for medications, therapy, and lifestyle changes.
PhysiotherapistPlease act like you’re me, a physiotherapist who needs to diagnose and treat a sports injury, including the steps for assessing the injury and creating a rehabilitation plan.I’d like you to demonstrate exercises for relieving back pain, including the steps for properly performing the stretches and the tips for avoiding further injury.Pretend you are a physiotherapist who needs to educate a patient on injury prevention, including the tips for maintaining good posture and avoiding overuse.
Running CoachPlease act like you’re me, a running coach who needs to motivate and encourage a runner, including the techniques for setting realistic expectations and providing positive feedback.I’d like you to explain how to create a training plan for a beginner runner, including the steps for setting goals, building endurance, and avoiding injury.Pretend you are a running coach who needs to create a race-day strategy for a runner, including the tips for pacing, hydration, and fueling.
Uber or Lyft DriverPlease act like you’re me, an Uber driver who needs to handle a difficult passenger, including the strategies for diffusing tension and ensuring safety.I’d like you to share tips for providing a great experience for passengers, including the techniques for navigating efficiently and making conversation.Pretend you are an Uber driver who needs to maximize their earnings, including the tips for working during peak hours and choosing high-paying routes.
CarpenterPlease act like you’re me, a carpenter who needs to repair a damaged piece of furniture, including the techniques for fixing cracks and restoring the finish.I’d like you to demonstrate how to build a piece of furniture, including the steps for measuring, cutting, and assembling the materials.Pretend you are a carpenter who needs to build a custom piece of furniture to fit a specific space, including the steps for creating a design and making adjustments.
RecruiterPlease act like you’re me, a recruiter who needs to screen resumes and conduct interviews, including the questions to ask and the red flags to watch for. I’d like you to guide me on how to write a compelling job description, including the steps for defining the role and the requirements.Pretend you are a recruiter who needs to negotiate a job offer with a candidate, including the factors to consider and the strategies for closing the deal.
ArchitectPlease act like you’re me, an architect who needs to communicate a design proposal to stakeholders, including how to present the vision and overcome objections.
I’d like you to explain the process of designing a building, including the steps for creating a concept, working with engineers and contractors, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Pretend you are an architect who needs to restore an historic building, including the steps for researching its history and preserving its original features.
ChefPlease act like you’re me, a chef who needs to create a menu for a large event, including the options for catering to dietary restrictions and creating a balanced spread.I’d like you to teach me how to cook a signature dish, including the steps for preparing the ingredients and the techniques for seasoning and plating.Pretend you are a chef who needs to teach a cooking class, including how to engage and motivate students and demonstrate cooking techniques.
YouTube CreatorPlease act like you’re me, a YouTube creator who needs to shoot and edit a video on a tight deadline, including the tips for staying organized and efficient.I’d like you to guide me on how to create and grow a YouTube channel, including the steps for creating engaging content and building an audience.Pretend you are a YouTube creator who needs to monetize their channel, including the options for sponsorships, merchandise, and advertising.
JournalistPlease act like you’re me, a journalist who needs to interview a subject for a story, including how to prepare questions and listen actively.I’d like you to outline the steps for researching and writing a news article, including the techniques for finding credible sources and verifying information.Pretend you are a journalist who needs to write a feature article on a trending topic, including how to add depth and context to the story.
Graphic DesignerPlease act like you’re me, a graphic designer explaining how to use color theory and typography in design, including tips for creating a cohesive visual brand. I’d like you to walk me through the process of designing a logo for a brand, including the steps for researching the target audience and creating initial drafts.
Pretend you are a graphic designer who needs to design an eye-catching billboard ad, including how to choose the right imagery and messaging.
AccountantPlease act like you are teaching me how to do a financial analysis of a publicly traded company, including the metrics to use and how to interpret the results. I’d like you to help me understand how to create a budget and track expenses for a small business, including the steps for setting financial goals and analyzing financial statements.
Pretend you are an accountant providing advice to a new client on how to reduce their tax liability, including strategies for itemizing deductions and maximizing credits.
SalespersonPlease act like you’re negotiating with a customer to close a sale.I’d like you to pitch a new product to a potential customer.Pretend you’re giving a presentation to a sales team on how to increase their closing rates.
ManagerPlease act like you’re conducting a performance review for one of your team members.I’d like you to make a decision on a difficult issue that an employee has brought to your attention.Pretend you’re explaining a new company policy to your team and how it will impact them.
SupervisorPlease act like you’re delegating tasks to your team for a big project.I’d like you to resolve a conflict between two employees.Pretend you’re holding a team meeting to discuss and address a problem with productivity.
Data ProcessorPlease act like you’re explaining how to use a specific data processing tool to a colleague.I’d like you to process and clean a large dataset.Pretend you’re presenting the insights you’ve gathered from a dataset to a client.
Customer Service RepPlease act like you’re explaining a company’s return policy to a customer.I’d like you to handle a difficult customer issue over the phone.Pretend you’re following up with a customer after a service call to ensure their issue was resolved to their satisfaction.
Social Media ManagerPlease act like you’re responding to a customer’s negative post on the company’s social media page.I’d like you to create a social media campaign to promote a new product.Pretend you’re presenting your analysis of the success of a recent social media campaign to the company’s management team.
Product ManagerPlease act like you’re presenting the results of your market research to the company’s management team.I’d like you to conduct market research on a new product idea.Pretend you’re making a case for why a new feature should be added to a product based on customer feedback.
Scrum MasterPlease act like you’re coaching a team member on how to effectively prioritize their tasks.I’d like you to facilitate a sprint retrospective meeting with the development team.Pretend you’re mediating a conflict between two team members during a sprint planning meeting.
Editorial AssistantI’d like you to write a summary of a recently published book on leadership and present it to the team.I’d like you to edit a 5-page article on the latest advancements in renewable energy sources.I’d like you to research and write a 500-word article on the history of journalism and its impact on society.
Podcast HostI’d like you to interview a guest on their experience as a small business owner and ask them about their journey and lessons learned.I’d like you to host a 30-minute podcast episode on the benefits of mindfulness and meditation.I’d like you to research and prepare a list of potential guests for a new podcast series on environmental activism.
LogisticsI’d like you to create a report on the cost-effectiveness of different modes of transportation for different types of goods.I’d like you to plan and coordinate the delivery of a shipment of goods from a factory to a warehouse across the country.I’d like you to research and recommend new software tools to improve the tracking and reporting of deliveries.
Operations ManagerI’d like you to lead a meeting with the management team to discuss the results of a recent customer satisfaction survey.I’d like you to develop a plan to improve the efficiency of the production line in a manufacturing plant.I’d like you to create a report on the utilization of resources in the company and recommend ways to reduce waste.
OptometristI’d like you to explain the difference between different types of contact lenses and recommend the best option for a patient with a specific need.I’d like you to perform a comprehensive eye exam on a patient and diagnose any visual impairments.I’d like you to research and recommend new technologies for eye care and how they can benefit patients.
DentistI’d like you to pretend you’re a dentist and walk me through the steps of a root canal procedure.Please act like a dentist and explain the importance of regular dental check-ups.Please describe how you would educate a patient about the different options for replacing missing teeth.
ScientistPretend you are a scientist and discuss the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering.I’d like you to describe a scientific experiment you recently conducted and explain the results.Please explain a current scientific breakthrough that you find particularly exciting and why.
AstronomerPretend you are an astronomer and explain the process of discovering and studying exoplanets.Please act like an astronomer and describe a recent discovery you made about a celestial object.I’d like you to describe the current understanding of the formation of the universe and any open questions that remain.
BakerPlease act like a baker and explain the challenges of baking gluten-free and dairy-free goods.I’d like you to describe your favorite type of baked goods to make and the ingredients and process you use.Pretend you are a baker and discuss how you would go about developing a new, unique dessert recipe.
NurseI’d like you to pretend you’re a nurse and walk me through the process of administering medications.Please describe the role of a nurse in a patient’s recovery and the importance of building a strong patient-nurse relationship.Please explain the impact of technology on the nursing profession and how it is changing the way nurses work.
PsychotherapistI’d like you to describe the different approaches to psychotherapy and the pros and cons of each.Pretend you are a psychotherapist and discuss how you would help a patient with depression.Please act like a psychotherapist and explain how you would work with a patient to set and achieve personal goals.
Park RangerI’d like you to pretend you’re a park ranger and explain the process of preserving and protecting wildlife in a national park to a stakeholder.Please describe the responsibilities of a park ranger and what makes the job fulfilling.Please act like a park ranger and describe how you would educate visitors about park rules and regulations.
OceanographerPlease act like an oceanographer and explain the process of studying ocean currents and their effects on climate.I’d like you to describe the role of oceanography in understanding and managing ocean resources.Pretend you are an oceanographer and discuss the challenges of exploring and studying the deep ocean.
ConsultantI’d like you to pretend you’re a consultant and explain the importance of strong communication skills.Please describe the process of identifying and solving problems as a consultant.Please act like a consultant and discuss how you would help a company to increase efficiency and productivity.
CarpenterPlease act like a carpenter and explain the importance of accurate measurements and proper tools in the carpentry process, as if speaking to a new client.I’d like you to describe to a client a particularly challenging carpentry project you’ve worked on and how you approached it.Pretend you are a carpenter and discuss the different materials and techniques you use to create custom furniture.
RenovatorPlease act like you are presenting a cost estimate to a client for a complex renovation project.I’d like you to imagine you are in the middle of a renovation project and need to consult with a client to finalize the design plans.Pretend you are explaining the details of a renovation project to a group of investors who are considering funding it.
Real Estate AgentPlease act like you are negotiating the price and terms of a real estate transaction with a buyer and a seller.I’d like you to imagine you are showing a property to a potential buyer who is looking for a home in a specific area.Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of real estate agents about the current market trends and the best strategies for success in the industry.
Museum CuratorPlease act like you are giving a tour of an exhibition to a group of museum patrons and explaining the background and significance of each piece.I’d like you to imagine you are curating an exhibition and need to select works of art that fit the theme.Pretend you are presenting a proposal for a new exhibition to a museum board and convincing them of its relevance and importance.
ArcheologistPlease act like you are presenting the findings of your research to a group of fellow archeologists and experts in the field.I’d like you to imagine you are on a dig and have just made a significant discovery.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of students about the methods and techniques used in archeological excavation and analysis.
ProfessorPlease act like you are holding office hours and answering questions from a student who is struggling with the material.I’d like you to imagine you are teaching a class and need to explain a complex concept to your students.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of professionals in your field and sharing your latest research and discoveries.
Post-Secondary Admissions ManagerPlease act like you are conducting an interview with a prospective student who has been offered admission and wants to know more about the university and its programs.I’d like you to imagine you are reviewing a student’s application for admission to a university.Pretend you are presenting a report to the admissions committee about the results of the recruitment campaign and your recommendations for the next steps.
Human Resources ManagerPlease act like you are mediating a conflict between two employees who have different ideas about how to handle a project.I’d like you to imagine you are conducting a performance review for an employee who is struggling in their role.Pretend you are giving a training session to a group of new hires on the company’s policies and procedures.
Help DeskPlease act like you are dealing with an irritated client. How do you handle this?I’d like you to imagine you are resolving a technical issue for a customer over the phone.Pretend you are giving a training session to a group of employees on how to use a new piece of software that has been introduced to the company.
IT ProfessionalExplaining a new software update to a userI’d like you to imagine installing a new network for a client, and all steps required.Pretend you are presenting a lecture to IT professionals about cybersecurity
University or College StudentPlease act like you are troubleshooting a software problem with a user who is unable to access their data.I’d like you to imagine preparing a group presentation and detail what steps are required.Pretend you are giving a speech at graduation ceremony
TranslatorInterpreting a conversation between two speakersI’d like you to translating a business contract with suggestions for improvement.Pretend you are giving a lecture to language students
Speech CoachPlease act like you are giving a workshop to executives and suggest key points.I’d like you to imagine you are coaching a CEO for a public speech.Pretend you are delivering a speech to a large audience. How do you calm yourself?
Sales ManagerPlease act like you are negotiating a sales contract. Provide a practice script.I’d like you to imagine you are closing a deal with a big client – what steps do you follow?Pretend you are giving a training session to sales representatives looking to do better. How do you proceed?
Salon OwnerPlease act like you are consulting with a client before a hair appointment. What questions do you ask?I’d like you to imagine you own the salon and are interviewing a new stylist. Please give me a list of questions to ask. Pretend you are giving a presentation to beauty industry professionals. Provide an opening joke to set the tone.
Hair StylistPlease act like you are explaining a hair treatment to a client. How do you ensure you are clear before you start?I’d like you to imagine styling a client’s hair for their wedding and provide suggestions. Pretend you are giving a demonstration to aspiring hair stylists.
Civil EngineerPlease act like you are presenting plans for a development project. What tools do you use?I’d like you to imagine designing a new bridge for a city. What things in the concept stage would you consider that I might not be thinking off.Pretend you are giving a lecture to engineering students about sustainability in design and write the opening paragraph.
LandscaperPlease act like you are explaining benefits of different plants and materials to a customer and why the budget needs to increase. What is your most convincing arguement?I’d like you to imagine designing a new landscape for a clientPretend you are giving a presentation to landscape architects on latest trends and techniques. How do you structure the presentation?
Construction ManagerPlease act like you are resolving a conflict between contractors. What is your strategy?I’d like you to imagine managing a large construction project. What does your plan look like?Pretend you are giving a training session to construction workers on safety and efficiency. How do you structure the session most effectively?
TailorPlease act like you are consulting with a bride-to-be on the best style for her wedding dress.I’d like you to imagine you are taking measurements for a custom suit for a client.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of fashion design students on the history of tailoring and the skills required to be a tailor.
Bike CourierPlease act like you are navigating through busy traffic to deliver a package on time.I’d like you to imagine you are delivering an urgent package to a client.Pretend you are giving a training session to a group of new bike couriers on the best routes and delivery techniques.
Computer Repair TechnicianPlease act like you are explaining the technical details of a repair to a non-technical customer.I’d like you to imagine you are fixing a computer virus for a customer.Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of IT professionals on the latest computer repair techniques and tools.
MathematicianPlease act like you are explaining a difficult theorem to a group of classmates.I’d like you to imagine you are solving a complex mathematical problem.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of mathematics students on the importance of mathematics in solving real-world problems.
Corporate LawyerPlease act like you’re me, advising a client on the legal implications of a business decision.I’d like you to imagine you are negotiating a merger between two companies.Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of business students on the role of lawyers in the corporate world.
MeteorologistPlease act like you are explaining the science behind a weather phenomenon to a non-scientific audience.I’d like you to imagine you are forecasting a severe storm.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of meteorology students on the latest advancements in weather forecasting technology.
ForestryPlease act like you are consulting with a landowner on the best management practices for their forested land.I’d like you to imagine you are managing a forest preserve.Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of environmental science students on the importance of sustainable forestry practices.
FarmerPlease act like you are discussing the best practices for soil conservation with a group of farmers.I’d like you to imagine you are planting a new crop.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of agriculture students on the challenges and rewards of being a farmer.
GeologistPlease act like you are explaining the geological history of a region to a group of tourists.I’d like you to imagine you are studying a new mineral deposit.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of geology students on the latest discoveries and innovations in the field of geology.
PublisherPlease act like you are negotiating a book deal with an author.I’d like you to imagine you are launching a new book.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of publishing students on the role of a publisher in the publishing industry.
Account ManagerPlease act like you are presenting a financial report to a board of directors.I’d like you to imagine you are reconciling accounts for a client.Pretend you are giving a training session to a group of new account managers on best practices for financial management.
CEOPlease act like you are giving a motivational talk to your employees to boost company morale.I’d like you to imagine you are giving a keynote speech at a major industry conference.Pretend you are conducting an earnings call with Wall Street analysts.
CFOPlease act like you are explaining the company’s financial strategy to a potential investor.I’d like you to imagine you are presenting the company’s financial results to the board of directors.Pretend you are giving a training session to your finance team on budgeting and forecasting.
DogwalkerPlease act like you are providing obedience training to a new puppy for a client.I’d like you to imagine you are walking multiple dogs at once. What is the best technique to manage the biggest one?Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of pet owners on the benefits of daily exercise for dogs.
Personal TrainerPlease act like you are demonstrating a new exercise to a client who is unfamiliar with it.I’d like you to imagine you are creating a workout plan for a client who has specific fitness goals.Pretend you are giving a motivational speech to a group of people who are starting a new fitness journey.
Dating CoachPlease act like you are role-playing a first date with a client to practice their social skills.I’d like you to imagine you are giving advice to a client who is struggling in their dating life.Pretend you are giving a lecture to a group of singles on how to attract and maintain healthy relationships.
Start Up FounderPlease act like you are explaining your company’s unique value proposition to a potential customer.I’d like you to imagine you are pitching your start-up idea to a room full of venture capitalists.Pretend you are giving a workshop to aspiring entrepreneurs on how to validate their business ideas and secure funding.
SailorPlease act like you are giving a safety briefing to your crew before setting sail.I’d like you to imagine you are navigating a ship through rough seas.Pretend you are giving a presentation to a group of maritime students on the history and technology of seafaring.
AstronautPlease act like you are explaining the science behind a new space mission to a group of school children.I’d like you to imagine you are conducting a spacewalk outside the International Space Station.Pretend you are giving a motivational speech to a group of young people about pursuing careers in STEM fields.
EntrepreneurPlease act like you are giving a sales pitch to a potential business partner.I’d like you to imagine you are attending a networking event for entrepreneurs.Pretend you are giving a talk to a group of entrepreneurs on how to scale their businesses and secure funding.